Pain is a complex and sophisticated alarm system. It is an output of the brain and involves multiple systems interconnected and working on keeping us protected and safe. But, like any system, it can malfunction and lead to persistent or chronic pain that is now considered a disease of its own. 

Pain is more intricate than a sign of tissue damage, disease, poor healing, or misaligned posture. Science has only relatively recently provided a new understanding of pain beyond the long-held belief that pain, and tissue damage are directly connected. 

When living with chronic pain, we rapidly become aware of how pain affects every aspect of our existence including the way we breathe, the tension in muscles and body, our ability to feel our physiological state, our movements, body position, body image, our thinking patterns, emotions, and our relationships, to name a few. Yoga can help with each of these changes relating to pain as it takes advantage of the principles relating to neuroplasticity. 

It reinforces adaptive change to return systems to a more balanced and less sensitive state. And, being a biopsychosocial spiritual practice, Yoga affects all spheres of our existence for lasting transformation. Changing pain we have lived with for a long period takes time. It is not an overnight fix, but it is possible to change pain. Moreover, Yoga is all about connection – connecting us back to our true selves and the world that surrounds us, a connection so often lost when we are living with chronic pain.

A large component of pain care management starts with education and understanding the science behind chronic pain.

This is a first step we look at together. Then, we will learn and explore how to link the yoga practices such as breathing, moving with more ease and comfort, body and thought awareness practices, mindfulness and even meditation to affect and change the pain alarm system and heal. Most importantly, Yoga can create a sense of safety in us, essential to calming the pain alarm system which is all about protection. 

There are various programs, courses, classes and resources offered to start and guide us on the path to recovery. Not only will we look at Yoga and pain science, but examine ways to foster courage, fearlessness, move with awareness and discernment to regulate accordingly and tap into practices related to permission and compassion. This can be done in a group setting or on a one-on-one basis. You might even like to combine a bit of both. Before, joining any course or program, however, we will have a call or meeting for an initial assessment and discuss possible avenues of care and treatment.  

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